Sort Text Lines tool |
In this tool, You click "Alphabetical" sort the text by alphabetical, if you click Cs it means it is case sensitive, if you click "Natural" it is natural sorting of lines, and in the "Sort by delimiter" section, the result sort by firt and second character. and this mode is "Alphabetical" and "Natural" only.
Click "Length" means the shortest line will be fisrt , The longest will be sort at last.
Click "random" means the lines sort by random result.
Click "reverse" means reverse the result.
When you get the result ,you click "SelectAll" then copy the result.
Language Choice:日本語 | 한국어 | Français | Español | ไทย| عربي | русский язык | Português | Deutsch| Italiano | Ελληνικά | Nederlands | Polskie| Tiếng Việt| বাংলা| Indonesia| Pilipino| Türk| فارسی| ລາວ| ဗမာ| български| Català| čeština|
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