Percentage Difference Calculator |
The Percentage Difference means the difference between Number A and Number B, will find the percent difference between two numbers. Difference means to subtract one value from another(A-B), Average is the value halfway between A and B it equals to (A+B)/2. the difference as a Percentage is |(A-B)|/((A+B)/2)%. So the formula is:
Percentage Difference = |(A-B)|/((A+B)/2)%
For example, A = 3, B = 6, Percentage Difference = |(3-6)/((3+6)/2)|% = 66.66666667%
3 Compared with 6 66.66666667% Difference
7 Compared with 6 15.38461538% Difference
For example, A = 22, B = 33:
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