Hollow Rectangular Beams Deflection calculator |
Length (Inches): | |
Width (Inches) : | |
Height (Inches) : | |
Wall Thickness (Inches) | |
Force (Pounds) : | |
Material : | |
Deflection : | Inches |
Bending Stress : | PSI |
Moment of Inertia for hollow rectangle beams = (Width * Height3) - (Inside_width * Inside_height3) / 12
Where E = Modulas of Elasticity in psi
Bending Stress = (Force * Length) / (MI / (0.5 * hHeight)
Deflection = (Length3 *Force / (3 * E * MI)
For example, when Width (Inches) = 4 Length (Inches) = 4 Height (Inches) = 4, the Wall Thickness (Inches) = 2, Force (Pounds) = 1, Material = Steel, then Deflection = 1 Inches, Bending Stress = 0.375 PSI.
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